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As the winds of change  blow through Jonestown, new businesses and community members will begin to populate its sidewalks, and as Jane Jacobs wrote, “cities have the capability of providing something for everybody, only because, and only when, they are created by everybody”.  In the drumming up of business in Jonestown, it is important that all stakeholders are considered.  


The history of Jonestown as Baltimore’s first neighborhood and original Bayfront has helped shape what it is today.  As mentioned in the introduction video of this module, as Baltimore grows in different ways, the lines between business, government, and residential life are blurring.  Local proprietors are creating "social impact through business", and residents and government are proposing unique ways to tackle "urban livability challenges".  As I continue to explore Jonestown, I will look for patterns in local life, in what their normal day to day activities are.  These findings will help to uncover ways that citizens of Jonestown are already addressing urban livability challenges and also new ways of addressing old and new problems.


Jonestown: The Past and the Future

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