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This article discusses Jonestown's need for additional housing, community spaces, a visitor center, reinvention of the Central Avenue connection. It touches on the importance of all stakeholders: public, private, and nonprofit in shaping Jonestown's future into a prosperous one. 

The video to the right discusses using public land trusts to "deconstruct vacants, create green-space, and provide opportunities for urban agriculture".  "stopping blight to stop the trend of disinvestment" 

Ideas for Shared Prosperity in Jonestown:

1. Real Estate Community Land Trusts

2. Clustering businesses 

3. Cooperative Enterprises

4. Business Transition Support

5. Benefit Corporations 

6. Economic Development Data

7. Showcasing Growing Businesses to match them with investors at the right time

8. Block grants

9. Analyzing wealth and income statistics

Is Shared Prosperity a possibility in Jonestown?

Clustering Businesses: An Opportunity for wealth creation in inner city neighborhoods

Area Vibes: 

According to, Jonestown currently scores a "barely livable" rating, including a D+ for cost of living (better housing initiatives underway!), an F for crime (in need of safer, bustling sidewalks), and F for employment (need businesses at which people can work near where they live).  Jonestown does score an A+ on Amenities, and this is a comment on Jonestown's location next to more vibrant city areas such as Fells Point and Little Italy.  With investment in Jonestown's future, it can transition from a "fringe" area to a bustling and exciting area full of small businesses, bars, coffee shops, and many other places to socialize and engage. 

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